Sunday, May 3, 2009

My prince charming.

It gonna be a week gone again
& yeah I have not updated my dearie blog
Cause Im too busy with all my loves!

School's best man
I can't believe how on me and friend friend can be
We were late cause I was waiting for her
Know what I asked her
''Eh got bring admin card, I never leii''
Her reply was
''Me too!''
So that marks our start of Year 3 Day 1
Lesson were usual taxing & BORING
Lasted all the way till 6!
Before I met up with the guys
Some issues happened that
Spoiled my mood for the day =.=
Don't drag me into ''yours'' issue.Thanks!
Ndp training, tiring =x
And due to all those tireness
I was a emo kid.
& yet the guys are still bullying me!

School's better cause it ended earlier
But I was zzz
Lunch was not good
With looking for seats for almost 30 mins
& a quite nice but small portion cajun chicken sandwich
Though I had nice lunch friends. R & F
Skip skip to training part
Learnt lan na zha, and some others
Taught abit
I think I really got stm.haha!

Finally some time for rest at home
Before going to sch for training
Went earlier to lunch..meeting =.=
Learnt new things of spear again!
I really have to thanks
For lending me her spear
If not I would %$^&*.haha
I wann my own spear soon!
It's giving me alot of problem now
Dumbo sent me back home! ((:
& spent sometime down my blk
Playing with Baby
& For once baby's being so tame.lols.

My hate day of the week!
9 to 6 class for me
But lucky week 1 so more slack
I can't imagine the heavy load =x
I was supposed to do work but well
Went for a dinner with Wan Qi
Waited for Lilian
So you know what could had happened
& till 10 plus is still
Updated each other on what's in our lives!
Not forgeting our HOT topic
But lucky the focus was not on me (:
Im looking forward to my birthday celebration!
Went to find Jia Wen after that
As usual nice chat with her
But Im afraid of Fi Fi =ssssSSSS
Bused home @ 12++
The journey was not scary cause (:

My long awaited fun day
Though the numbers who turned out was not great
But still it was great to me!
Its really effort and thoughts that counts!
& most of us gained a new skills
I learned how to CYCLE!=.-
Xiao Xiong too! (:
Some learned how to roller blade
Well, Yee Tian's CRAZY!
& yeah we visited my prince charming
Than it was some ice cream time
Off to the maze garden, but we couldn't find the place
so well to the BEACH!(:
To our games time!
It was quite fun minus the one that I was being buried
GRRR! & happily someone was taking video lo!
So good of him
After that was dinner time @
The food was not as good as what I had thought
But well I finished ALL of my food can!
Board games time after that
We played monopoly =.=
Abit bo liao but's nice la!
Cause I ganged up with Dumbo
So I can get more $$$!
Fire crackers time afterwards
Brings back childhood memories
& my night was sweet & lovely

Spent time with my family
It been rare since we lunched!
Though it meant something bad
Sis was sick and so was Mum
Tough decisions to be made
But I'll choose the best one for me
& thanks for supporting my decision (:


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