Tuesday, February 26, 2008


For some whatever nonsense reasons
I can't sign in msn,not even hotmail!!
That I can't upload the pics we took today
shall make do with the ones I ''kop'' from Jesline

Yes the first ever ones that I posted
with me wearing specs!!
Today was rather a good day,since is ponten day as what uncle said
Went for moive @ PS with girlfriends
Yes we watched L-changes the world,and I know J is totally mad over L
then went for some walk walk around
& we got back super early since we are guai kids +.+

Sometimes I really wondered if you are the one
I knew you as long as I knew him
You are th one who sheltered me when he's there
You are th one who brought me smiles
Once again,Im searching for th unknown

Yes I can bang my head against the wall
For not even knowing your c. name
For goodness sick,I seriously think Im a totally failed gf
Yes I can't recall me knowing bbf likings/hate
The only things I knew is he's enthu in sports,a chirstian
& we are persuing a same love,wushu blah blah blah

What others things do I know of him,pratically nothing
I stepped into his world but just the superficial one
Yes and for you I don't even guessed that was you
omg,this is how failed I can get.
please I hope to know that you had gotten over me
the flowers are abudunt outside
but I don't understand why do I know so much abt fbf
& every memories seems to be returning
especially at the fact that th place
is also part of our memories
this totally sucks


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